Tuesday, November 11, 2008

America Has Chosen A President

Al Mohler wrote a very insightful article about, as he put it, The President. The American President. The only President. Our President.
The fact is American's get to choose the President and folks, we did. He wasn't my choice, nor many of yours, but he is in fact the choice of the people and ultimately God. We must view him and treat him and his family with the honor due to him. I think Al Mohler does a great job talking with Christians about how we are to respond now that the election is over. He says we would be foolish to think that as Christians we will not be frustrated or disappointed or that we won't have a long road ahead of us. We, as followers of Jesus, must still protect the unborn, elderly and infirmed no matter who our President is. With that said, we must still work to do all we can to come alongside our President. We must labor in prayer for him and his family. We must rejoice in his well being and celebrate this historic election. This article that Dr. Mohler wrote is well written, articulate and practical. Please give it your time. It is far better than anything I could write.

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