Friday, October 3, 2008

Frugality and God’s Grace

I am not a frugal person. If the subject were being discussed, I might say that I aspire to be a frugal person, but upon examining myself I believe that for the most part, I’d really just like to be known as a frugal person, while still being able to make purchases at my whim and with little regard to wisdom. (As such, though, you cannot accurately say that I’m frugal - you can accurately say that I am prideful. But that is for another discussion!) However, I have been observing some people around me and I have noted how some people actually are blessed with frugality! My sister in law Leila is very frugal. She is an inspiration to me. Other people that come to mind are my mother in law: Ruth, as well as my husband Ryan, his two brother’s Randy and Rick, and his sister Rebecca.

Now isn’t that strange? My mother in law and all four of her offspring have this enviable quality. Not only that, but I have seen in her and her sons a contentedness with simple living with no regard to their financial situation. (I do not mean to exclude his sister in this, but she is much younger and only lived outside of her parent’s house for a short time. So I haven’t had time to observe her as much.) As I look at their lives I see lived out the heart attitude of Paul who said in Philippians 4: 11-13 “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

I have seen all 5 of them live in prosperity and in lean times, and they all show forth a heart of contentment and faith in God who both provides and blesses in whatever measure is best. This is such an example to me as I struggle with contentment and covetousness sometimes even in the best of times! Also, I am encouraged as a mother because I see how my mother in law was able by God’s grace to live out and instill these qualities in her children! What an encouragement to press on in my witness to my children and training of them, all under the covering of prayer to my Sovereign and merciful Lord Jesus!

Another thing that gave me a chuckle was a memory from one of the first times I had ever met my husband’s mom and the striking resemblance that the memory has to a current situation with my husband. First the memory: Ryan and I had only recently met and were spending time together at his parent’s home (over 14 years ago!). His mom walked into the kitchen with a lovely shirt on, which I complimented. She replied to me, “Thank you! Would you like to have it?” Needless to say, I was taken aback. She was not joking, though. She was serious. She would have gladly given me (literally) the shirt off of her back, if I had so desired it. Second, the present situation: Ryan and I have some cabinets in our garage that we offered to my sister, all of which we had intended for use in our kitchen, but circumstances prevented that and so they were still in their boxes, unused. However, there were a few of the cabinets that we had been able to use in our garage for Ryan’s work bench, which I did not offer to my sister. Ryan heard my sister and I discussing the cabinets and the possibility that we would not have enough to meet their needs, when he offered up his own cabinets to my sister, if that would help out. So I had to laugh to myself… he might as well have said, “Would you like my shirt?”

In this, I see the work of God in His grace! I see how God has granted that my mother in law has trained up her children in frugality, contentedness, and generosity as well! Praise God for He is ever at work in subtle ways in those around us!

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